About Acts India Mission


Ministry organizations in north India want to share the Gospel with as many people as possible, baptize them, and grow the number of churches in the region. Pastors and ministry workers typically fall into one of two categories when it comes to their training and experience:


1. Bible colleges

2. Bi-vocational ministry


Even though thousands of people attend Bible colleges every year, the majority of their graduates sadly never get involved in ministry. Bi-vocational or grassroots workers have a desire to learn and grow but because of family obligations, church responsibilities, or lack of education, many are often unable to receive official training.

While there are various seminars, programs, and materials being offered to grassroots workers, most are unusable, ineffective, or unsustainable. They need someone who can walk alongside them in their ministry, give encouragement, answer their questions, and provide practical teaching in order for them to better lead their congregation.

Acts India Mission wants to offer the training and support that bi-vocational ministry workers need. We do so by providing a year-long Biblical training program and by placing people in teams for encouragement, accountability, and support in order to fulfill their call to ministry. The practical training and community pastors receive allow them to plant healthy, reproducible churches while still providing for their families. Our team of committed leaders is confident that we can make a difference together.


Healthy churches and self-sufficiency for all pastors in north India.

©2023 Acts India Mission


Lightbearers is an IRS-qualified 501(c)3 organization and a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. www.lightbearers.com




©2023 Lightbearers Ministries | Branding, Website Design, and Development by Lightbearers.